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Sublime Text 3 For Web Development

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Sublime Text is a commonly-used text editorused to write Python code. Sublime Text's slick user interface along with itsnumerous extensions for syntax highlighting, source file finding and analyzingcode metrics make the editor more accessible to newprogrammers than some other applications like Vim andEmacs.

Sublime Text is an implementation of the text editors and IDEs concept. Learn how these parts fit together in the development environments chapter or view all topics.

Getting setup on Sublime Text 3 (2017 Edition) Roughly a 4 minute read by Jamie Wright I originally wrote about Switching to Sublime back in 2014 so I felt it was worth sharing how I setup my coding environment in 2017. This article is the second in a series about sublime text and how to set it up for remote development using the SFTP package. I suggest you refer to our previous article about the installation and configuration of sublime text 3. Most of our development and deployment work will be happening in the remote server or cloud servers.

What makes Sublime Text awesome?

Sublime Text is often the first editor that newer programmers pick up becauseit works on all operating systems and it is far more approachable thanEmacs, Vim or even PyCharm.

It is easy to get started in Sublime because the menus and options areaccessible by using a mouse. There are no different modes to learn likeVim's normal and insert modes. The keyboard shortcuts can be learned overtime rather than all at once in the case of Vim or Emacs.

Sublime Text works well for beginners as soon as they install it and thencan be extended with many of the features provided by an IDE likePyCharm as a developer's skill level ramps up.

An additional bonus of using Sublime Text as a Python developer is thatplugins are written in Python.Python developers can extend Sublime Text with their own programming languagerather than learn a new language like Emacs' Elisp or Vim's Vimscript.

Why use any other editor if Sublime is so great?

Picking a text editor or IDE to use tends tobe a weirdly personal decision for each developer. Yet it makes sense whenyou realize that you are going to spend hours upon hours every day in yourchosen environment so why not make sure it is one that is enjoyable andhighly productive?

For some folks they prefer Vim's keyboard-driven style,PyCharm's Swiss Army Knife set of Python tools or one ofthe many other editors with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The only 'best' editor choice is to pick one that works really well for youand stick to it. Master your tool so it gets out of your way and enablesas much time inprogramming flow aspossible.

Python-specific Sublime Text resources

There are many Python-specific Sublime Text tutorials and resources becausethe editor is so frequently used to create Python applications. The followinglinks should get your editor customized with linters,code metrics, syntax checking and many otherintegrated development environment features.

  • Setting Up Sublime Text 3 for Full Stack Python Developmentis a spectacular tutorial that covers installing Sublime Text andconfiguring a multitude of helpful Python programming plugins.

  • Sublime Text 3 Heavenis a quick overview of the extensions, packages and bonus toys thatone developer uses for his own Sublime Text development setup.

  • Sublime Tutor is an interactive in-editorkeyboard shortcuts tutorial that plugs into Sublime so you can learn andbecome more productive as you use the editor.

  • Using Generators for Fun and Profit - Utility for developersis not about setting up your Sublime Text environment but instead how tocreate your own plugins using Python. The tutorial is written by theauthor of a Sublime Text plugin who uses generatorsto implement features with Sublime's API.

  • Turning Sublime Text Into a Lightweight Python IDEshows the basic settings and configuration specific to using Sublime withPython as more than just a text editor.

  • Setting up Sublime Text 3 for Python Type Checkingshows one way of setting up support for Python 3.6 static type checking inSublime.

  • Three steps to lint Python 3.6 in Sublime Textwalks through setting up Flake8 toenforce code style guidelines and show you the errors and warnings inSublime as you are working.

  • Text editing techniques every front-end developer should knowgives examples in Sublime Text of time-saving text manipulation you maynot have known existed such as line bubbling, ragged line selection,AceJump and transpose. While the techniques can be used in most editorsthe provided video clips show how to perform each of these shortcuts inSublime.

General Sublime Text resources

Sublime Text can be used for much more than Python development and there aremany useful tutorials that are not targeted at a specific programming languagewhich are still useful.

  • Super charge your Sublime Text 3 to increase your productivityprovides many shortcuts and tricks for using the editor.

  • Disassembling Sublime Text uses a binary disassembler to dive into the reverse engineeredsource code of Sublime Text because it is not open source software.

  • Sync your sublime text 3 configurations safely and easyexplains how to mitigate configuration conflicts that can arise when tryingto use copied files from one computer to another.

  • 7 shortcuts of a highly effective Sublime Text usershows keyboard shortcuts for opening any file, going to any specificblock of text, handling multiple cursors and more.

Sublime Plugin resources

Sublime Text plugins are written in Python which makes it convenient forour ecosystem to customize the editor. The following resources provideinformation on writing your own plugins as well as great community pluginsyou will want to take a look at adding to your installation.

  • Sublime's documentation coversplugin basics, theAPI for plugins andgives a'Hello, world!'-level examplethat you can extend.

  • Sublime Text plugin development basicshas some good advice and further resources.

  • The 25 Best Sublime Text Plugins for Front End Developersis not specific to Python development but there is a bunch of overlapbetween plugins useful for general front-end development and any Pythonweb development project.

  • 5 Awesome Sublime Plugins you Won't Find in Top Plugin Postscovers some lesser-known plugins and how you can find your own viaPackage Control's trending plugins section.

What do you want to code using Sublime Text?

I want to learn how to code a Python web application using a framework.

Download Sublime Text 3 Windows 10

I've built a Python web app, now how do I deploy it?

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